Unity Theatre Trust

The Trust

The Trust was set up as a charity in the spirit of the traditions of the theatre and its history with the purpose:

"To advance the education of the public by fostering, promoting and increasing the interest of the public in the art of drama and in the co-related arts"

Unity Theatre Trust is a Registered UK Charity (No.210387) and is governed by a Board of Trustees.


The trust maintains an archive of heritage materials relevant to the theatre.

If you would like to access the Archives please follow the procedure below:

Unity Theatre Archives are now housed at the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) in Blythe House.

The Unity Archive can be viewed in the V&A reading room in West Kensington by appointment. The V&A archive catalogue can be searched at this link and appointments to view material can be made directly with the V & A.

The reading room is located in Blythe House near the Kensington Olympia exhibition centre. The nearest station is Kensington Olympia on the District and Overground lines. They are open Tuesday-Friday, 10.15am-4.30pm.

This is a free service but an appointment must be made.

V&A Theatre & Performance Enquiry Service Blythe House 23 Blythe Road London W14 0QX

Trustees & Administration

Dike Okoh
Ayvianna Snow
Trustee/Vice Chair
Clive Gehle
Kayelle O'Donoghue
Clare Kenny
Shola Adewusi
Jason Wing

Michael Kennard
Sean Chiles


Terms of Use & Privacy

Unity Theatre Trust Website Privacy Policy & Terms of Use

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The collection, storage, and use of any information that we collect about you in relation to your application for the awarding, and administration, of a Grant is for the sole use of enabling the Trustees to decide about grant or Bursary applications and will be in accordance with the European Union General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). We process this information under GDPR Article 6(1)(b) relating to Contract. When an application is successful and a grant awarded, we will keep this information for 6 years. When an application is unsuccessful, we will keep the information for 2 years and then delete or destroy it.

To communicate with you, except in the context of any grant application or award or administration of a grant, we will obtain your specific consent. We use this information only for our own organisation and we will not sell or otherwise transfer it outside the organisation. Where we send out email newsletters they will always contain instructions on how to discontinue receipt and how to unsubscribe from our mailing list. You can unsubscribe at any time. We process this information under GDPR Article 6(1)(a) relating to Consent. We will keep your consents until you remove them.

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Contact The Trust

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The Trust invites applications for grant funding of between £250 and £2,500 at various times throught the year.

The objective of the Trust is:

"To advance the education of the public by fostering, promoting and increasing the interest
of the public in the art of drama and in the co-related arts"

The next Grant Application Round will be open from March 1 and will close at the end of the day on April 11.

Trustees will consider applications in May 2025.

Prepare for your application - Click on Grant Application above and read the Grant Conditions and Guidance Notes.

Unity Theatre grew out of the agitprop street theatre in the East End of London in the early 1930s lasting until it was destroyed by fire in 1975.

Once established, in a converted chapel in Kings Cross (built entirely with voluntary labour), Unity became the inspiration for a national upsurge in drama on social and political issues, since it was the only theatre in London throughout the 1930's, 1940's and early 1950's producing plays on these subjects.

Alongside shows specially created for Unity, it drew on the repertoire of world theatre, including innovative productions of works by Clifford Odets, Sean O'Casey, Lope de Vega, Jean Paul Sartre and Arthur Adamov. It was the first theatre in England to stage a play by Bertolt Brecht and it helped popularise the plays of Maxim Gorky.

Unity's strength lay with its audience drawn mainly from the trades unions and organised labour movements, but amongst its supporters were many eminent personalities e.g. Bernard Shaw, H.G. Wells, Sybil Thorndike, Beatrix Lehmann and Paul Robeson whose appearance with Unity, followed by international acclaim for the political pantomime Babes in the Wood, marked the peak of the theatre's fame.

With the outbreak of war, Unity was the first theatre to open in London once the ban on public entertainment had been lifted and it maintained a permanent repertory of plays, satirical revues and musicals throughout the five years of hostilities. It also sent out small groups of performers who, often in hazardous conditions, provided valuable shelter and factory entertainment for those winning the war at home.

Unity emerged from the war at the head of a national drama movement that was concerned with the lives of working people. Soon however, many of the developments pioneered by Unity, such as vernacular drama, Living Newspaper and biting satirical shows, were accepted by the theatrical mainstream and television.

Many well-known theatre people - Lionel Bart, Alfie Bass, Michael Gambon, Bob Hoskins, David Kossoff, Warren Mitchell, Bill Owen and Ted Willis among them - learned their skills at this influential theatre which was the working people's most sustained and successful contribution to British drama and one of the most important and enduring initiatives in popular culture this century.

© 2025 Unity Theatre Trust

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